HR Consulting Services


Exceljuta Nationwide Human Resource Services

EXCELJUTA NATIONWIDE’s HR Consulting Services was established due to the growing demand of outsourced services.

Our Recruitment & RPO Services quickly gained reputation for our exceptional customer service, our ability to accurately assess the needs of our clients and our talent for matching skills with opportunities.

Recruitment Services

Our candidates are meticulously screened to ensure that they are qualified to do the job and are compatible with your company culture. We provide only talented, dedicated professionals who will help you meet your goals.

Our consulting services allow you to lower your recruitment and employment costs and give you the total flexibility you need to meet the natural variability of work load and business cycle. These solutions are designed to meet your needs from short to long-term – individual or team staffing.

Exceljuta Nationwide Recruitment Diagram

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Solutions (RPO)

For some companies, we assume full hiring responsibility, creating an efficient recruitment engine and managing it from end to end. Our RPO solutions will cost you a fraction of what is spent on your existing internal recruitment.

We recommend our RPO solutions as a long-term strategic initiative especially to help identify critical talent for positions which are tied to organizational performance and productivity. The benefits of RPO are significant. Your organization will benefit the following:

Cost reduction – You save money! Your organization currently spends a significant amount of money on recruitment processes. We reduce your costs by developing efficient robust recruitment processes, driving direct proactive sourcing strategies and focusing on quality of hire for every hire.

Scalability & flexibility – You get flexibility in scalability! We provide a recruitment model that can be scaled up or down in line with your organization’s recruitment demands. Our RPO model adapts to fluctuating recruitment needs without compromising speed, quality and brand.

Quality of hire – You hire for quality! Attracting and sourcing talent becomes our core expertise. We are optimally positioned to attract, source and assess quality talent for every role. Through the application of rigorous assessment and selection methodologies and strong partnerships, we are able to positively impact retention and performance of all new hires.

Reduction in vacancy time – You save time! Reducing time to fill vacancies is a key deliverable under our RPO model. Driving efficiency in the recruitment process and developing superior talent attraction strategies delivers significant reductions in the time a role is vacant. We adept at balancing speed of hire with quality of hire to ensure the right outcome every time.

Enhance employment brand – You enhance your employment branding! This is achieved through managing every aspect of your recruitment process ensuring core messages to market are consistent and driving high levels of candidate satisfaction. The candidate experience is critical to driving the perception of an organization as a place to work and when done well, this model positions your organization as a magnet for more prospective talents.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing is fast becoming the right solution for many organizations who want to access the best talent in an efficient, professional and cost effective way. Organizations are reaping the benefits of having experts manage the administration of recruitment whilst retaining control of all hiring decisions.

Exceljuta Nationwide RPO Diagram

“Any organization moving to an RPO should expect to invest its own time in ensuring hiring managers are adequately trained on how to best work with a new system, process, recruiter, etc. in order to make the relationship work effectively.”


“What’s lacking today with some RPOs is workforce planning, employment branding, and creative sourcing with talent communities/social media/mobile, and assessment, particularly on a global level. Solutions that focus on these gaps and maximize existing strengths of RPOs will be the winners.”

All in all, EXCELJUTA NATIONWIDE has created dedicated, long-term partnerships with many of our clients and we take great pride in understanding each organization’s business’s needs. In the years since, we have provided our services and solutions to a wide range of clients, from small businesses to some reputable companies in Malaysia and in the APAC region.

As our company continues to grow, we will continue to provide our superior service that has become our hallmark. EXCELJUTA NATIONWIDE continues to lead the HR Consulting Services industry with innovative and progressive programs to serve you better.